
How to calculate container volumes in cubic meters

How to calculate container volumes in cubic meters

Our price list gives container and bag volumes in liters. 1 cubic meter equals 1000 liters, hence a 140 liter container equals 0,14 m3.

A calculator for conversions can be found at http://www.kalkulaator.ee/

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(Eesti) Ühismahutid

Opening the gates

Fixed monthly fee is charged regardless of the number of gates and locks what should/must be opened.  The necessary keys, remotes, and telephone numbers can be handed over at the Service Office of Tallinn Waste Centre. In the event if the client does not retrieve his keys and remotes from the previous operator, it is considered as a sign of consent for the previous operator to give them to the Tallinn Environmental Department.  It would be preferable if the client will confirm or inform to previous operator of his acceptance to hand over keys, remotes to the Tallinn Waste Centre.

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Mailing the contract

The contract is sent to you either by e-mail or regular post for signing.  In the event if you choose to have it posted in paper form, please indicate by checking the respective box in the application.

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(Eesti) Lisateenused

Types of customer

Please indicate your customer classification (private, business, etc.) in the application.  In case the customer is a co-owner of a unit not constituting a condominium or a duplex, the members of such units must designate one party who is authorized to sign the waste contract.  The application should be submitted also by the person authorized to sign the contract.  Please indicate the number of apartments in your building.

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(Eesti) Äriregister

(Eesti) Ehitisregister

(Eesti) Jäätmetekkekoht

(Eesti) Veo alustamise aeg

(Eesti) Kuidas leida jäätmeveopiirkond

(Eesti) Suurjäätmed

(Eesti) Biojäätmete mahuti vooderduskott

(Eesti) Mahutivälised jäätmed

(Eesti) Pakendijäätmed

(Eesti) Jäätmeliigid

How many containers must apartment building have?

In addition to the mixed municipal waste container, every building with at least five apartments must have a separate container for paper and cardboard, and a separate container for biodegradable waste if there are 10 or more apartments.

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Where should homeowners place their biodegradable waste?

Homeowners must place their biodegradable waste in a composter on their e property or put into the household waste container.  For environmental friendly people we recommend to compost all biodegradable waste. Remember that food waste may be composted only in composters and not in an open pile.

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(Eesti) Mitu konteinerit (mahutit) peab eramaja omanikul olema?

Why should waste be sorted?

Sorting waste at home is important for several reasons. First and foremost is for our health and a clean living environment. Therefore, separating of dangerous waste and problematic products (electronics, tyres, etc) is especially important, because their mishandling is harmful to both nature and human health. Secondly, it is environmentally friendly since sorting results in quality waste being reused. Paper, biodegradables and packaging are all valuable raw materials for recycling. Thirdly, sorting saves money. Packaging, for example, accounts for up to 60% of household waste and can be deposited in public containers free of charge.

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How to be excluded from local waste hauling?

One can excluded from using the waste removal service if nobody lives nor does business at that address.  Additionally, it is possible for summerhouse owners to be excluded from the service seasonally.  Apply for exclusion by submitting in writing that 1) nobody lives there, 2) nobody lives there at the moment (temporary non-compliance), 3) the house is used only during certain months (for example, as a summerhouse during summer months), and 4) the property is without a building.

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The condominium’s land does not have enough room for waste containers.

 According to the waste management rules, apartment buildings lacking sufficient land to accommodate waste containers may keep the containers outside their property under conditions imposed by, and the permission of, the municipal district government. Despite limitations of space, solutions are found for parking cars, yet waste collection is an indispensable service and must be addressed as a priority.  In general, the size of allocated land to a condominium is at its own request and presumably the small size is due to considerations of property tax.  One solution could be cooperation with the neighboring property and, thereby, find together the land for placing shared containers for both or even more property owners, or build a structure for the containers.

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Our apartment house is small and heated by stoves. The residents are poor and do not buy newspapers. They burn their papers in the stoves in order to get warm. There is nothing to put in the wastepaper container. Why should we have one?

Wastepaper has high reusable value.  For example, one ton of wastepaper saves 17 trees.  Paper is used for starting a fire, but a lot of paper, such a advertisements, magazines, and other forms of glossy paper, is not suitable for that.  A condominium not wanting a wastepaper container could keep in the basement or some other room a box in which to collect wastepaper and hand it over to the hauler whenever necessary.

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Does sorting of waste reduces monthly hauling costs?

Separating paper from household waste reduces the volume and the amount of household waste in the bin. About 10 to 15 percent of household waste is paper. Situation changes completely when you begin to collect packaging waste separately.  It is not necessary to rent a container for packaging, because public containers for that are located all over the town.  Packaging constitutes up to 60 percent of waste and it can be placed in the public collection bins free of charge.

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Where to take packaging?

Packaging can be placed free of charge at the public waste bins located across town.  There 3 kinds of bins: 1) a yellow colored bins for mixed packaging (metal, plastic), 2) a green colored bins for glass (jars and bottles), 3) usually either a blue or green bins for paper (paper or cardboard boxes, bags).  All bins have labels stating what kind of waste may be deposited.  The packaging has to be clean and may not soil the rest of the packaging in the receptacle.

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Why wastepaper may not be deposited in the packaging receptacles?

The public receptacles are strictly for collecting packaging waste and not wastepaper. Upon making the purchase, the consumer paid for the collection and handling of the packaging and, therefore, the public receptacles across the town are provided by the organizations accountable to the merchandise producers.  If you live in a large apartment building, you have a wastepaper container available, because such a container is obligatory for buildings with five or more apartments. Residents of buildings with less than five apartments and single family houses have to organize means to collect wastepaper and to either take it to a waste station or give to a waste hauler. The public receptacles are only for packaging!

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If all waste is collected in kind, what goes into the mixed waste containers?

Assorted waste (hygiene products, soiled packaging, ashes, old and torn clothing, dishes, toys, etc.) goes into the mixed waste containers.

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What is an empty run?

An empty run occurs when the waste collector comes according to the schedule to empty the container, but has no access to the container due to either a locked gate or parked cars. It is the responsibility of the client to provide access to the container.

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What if the operator disturbs “night peace”?

Waste operator are not permitted to operate in residential areas between the hours of 23.00 o’clock and 7.00 o’clock.  Should the operator come to empty the container during the night-hours, Tallinn Waste Centre should be notified.

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(Eesti) Mida teha kui jäätmevedaja ei tule ettenähtud veopäeval konteinerit tühjendama ja seetõttu on konteinerid ületäitunud?

(Eesti) Jäätmeveoga seotud probleemidest teatamine

Hauling takes place according to schedule on legal holidays.

In the event that the customer does not want empting to take place on a legal holiday, s/he must notify the office of this request at least two days before the legal holiday and arrange for an alternate pick-up day.  If the scheduled haul falls on a weekend, the hauling service occurs routinely.

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(Eesti) Küsi meilt